About Me


Hi, I’m Cherise Ali. A Graphic Designer and Nail Hobbyist from Trinidad and Tobago.

What I Do:      I’ve been studying Graphic Design four years now and I love every bit of it. I used to spend a lot of time drawing on paper but now; I spend most of my time on the Computer. Being in the Graphic Design field takes away much of my free time. As a Graphic Designer it’s a must to constantly be drawing and keeping yourself attached to your creative side. Which is when I found my love for nail art.

                     Why I Do It:   I've gravitated towards Nail Art as a newly found hobby a few years ago. It caught my interest because it’s another way I can express my feelings/mood through the colours, patterns and textures. Plus, it’s fun and free! No more having to pay someone to get my nails done.

All together I’m happy to welcome you to my blog. Please feel free to ask me any questions about me in the comments below.

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