Saturday 17 October 2015


In lead up to my last tutorial Lace Nails. I'll be showing you some easy DIY tools you can use/make to create your patterns.

You will be learning the Alternatives for the following:
Striper tool
Dotting tool

There are two types of stripers you can buy:
1) The nail art brush striper.
2) The one that comes with in with your nail polish.

The dotter tool can come in various sizes.


Other than buying striper tools you can use regular items you use daily or it can be made.
For example: a paint brush or regular striper polish.

The nail art brush striper - This can be easily made with a simple paint brush.
  • Separate the amount of bristles you may need to measure your desired thickness and simply use a sharp scissors to cut off the excess bristles. and you have a perfectly usable striper tool.
  •  You can also make another striper tool by using a old/un-used brush applicator from a nail polish bottle. Use cotton and nail polish remover to properly clean off excess nail polish from the brush. measure the amount you want to keep, separate and cut off the excess bristles.

The one that comes with in with your nail polish. - You can also use my favourite method. Using any and i mean any striper nail polish.

  • All you have to do is use cotton and nail polish remover. clean off excess nail polish and dip into any colour nail polish you wish to use.


Other than buying a dotter tool you can take advantage of regular items you use daily.
For example: a pencil, head pin, pen, bobby pin, toothpick.

Pencil - You will need: Any regular wooden pencil.

  • Use the pointed graphite end to create dots.
  • Simply dip into nail polish and create.

Head pin and PencilYou will need: Any size headpin and eraser end pencil.

  • Stick head pin into eraser to create dotting tool. dip into nail polish and create.
  • NOTE: Use different sizes or types of headpins to create different sizes of dotter tool.

PenYou will need: Ball point pen.

  • Use any ball point pen, preferably one that has stopped working.
  • Using the pointed end of the pen to create dots. 
  • Simply dip into nail polish and create.

Bobby PinYou will need: hair pin/bobby pin any size.

  • Open up Bobby pin and use either of the round end to create dots.

Toothpick - You can also try my favourite method. 
                 You will need: Any regular wooden toothpick.

  • Use point of toothpick, simply dip into nail polish and create.
  • NOTE: Use sharp scissors to cut toothpick to create different sizes of dotter tool.

Enjoy Creating

Your creative intentions.

Illicit Nails is open to any suggestions or comments you may have. Please feel free to provide your feedback and comments in the comment section below. 

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